You can share your trades to Discord via webhooks instantly
Last updated
You can share your trades to Discord via webhooks instantly
Last updated
You need to add webhooks for the app to use for sending your trades. To do this go to your Account Settings and expand the Trade Sharing section. Click on the Webhooks
button then hit New Webhook
, it will create a new wbehook named My Webhook
where you can then set the desired name and avatar. Paste the Discord webhook link in the URL text box.
To create webhooks on Discord, right click on the desired channel you want trades to be sent to and click Edit Channel.
In the settings click on Integrations
then Webhooks
and click New Webhook
to create a webhook. You can set the webhook name and avatar here, but the webhook name and avatar set in the web app will over-ide these settings.
When enabled in settings, will always be enabled in New Trade
You have full permissions of how your message or embed looks when sent. We've built a 'no-code' message builder for your Discord trade sharing, scope it out in your account settings. There is where you'll also specify the webhooks you wish Trade Hub to use for sending out your trades.
You can customize each trade event message:
With every data property of the trade, and more:
Direction (long/short)
Ticker (and ticker logo)
Expiration date
Strike Price
Link to Trade Insight page
Styles & flags
Curent market price of ticker
Daily high/low price of ticker
To add a webhook hit the New Webhook button. Here you can choose the name that will be used when messages are posted to Discord along with an avatar- these settings will over-ride the settings chosen in Discord. You can submit an unlimited number of webhooks to send trades through.
Any @mentions such as role pings should be specified for each webhook when submitting it to the app from account settings, if none then leave blank. (Any pings set in the message/embed builder will be used for all webhooks) You can choose a ping (@everyone, @here) or a role ping by clicking on the @Mentions button. We've made it convienent by fetching the list of roles from the server belonging to the webhook, you can choose from the list, or enter a role ID. Multiple @mention pings can be used.
To share your trades to Discord via webhooks, you can either enable it in your account settings, or just check the Share to Discord box when submitting a trade through the New Trade feature.